Middleman Software

Automating SCTE-104 / SCTE-35 to increase ad revenues

Are you making the most of your OTT ad insertion opportunities? When I visit customers considering or implementing OTT, they almost always have issues generating the right SCTE 104/35 messages at precisely the right time.

Trock Media Solutions can now bring you a powerful system that gives your team complete, plain English tools for leveraging Dynamic Ad Insertion with frame-accurate results. If this is a problem you need to solve, we can arrange a briefing with the SCTE experts from Middleman Software.

Introducing AdIT SCTE 104/35 Messaging Software
AdIT is powerful new software that gives broadcasters the ability to provide a targeted and personalized viewing experience without affecting existing broadcast operations. AdIT is software that communicates with your broadcast playout automation system to dynamically generate SCTE 104/35 messages and insert them into SDI video via Cobalt Digital hardware with frame-accurate precision.

Why do you need AdIT?
Video broadcast distribution in the twenty-first century demands a targeted and personalized viewing experience. AdIT enables broadcasters and distribution partners to meet these demands by providing the in-band frame-accurate messaging required by new media distribution methods while working seamlessly with current broadcast operations.

Distribution partners use these messages with the incorporated metadata, together with attributes of the audience, to dynamically insert advertisements, generate regionalized feeds, enforce local blackouts and implement other content restrictions.

How does AdIT know when to generate each type of SCTE message?
AdIT employs two user-configurable rules engines. The Content Identification Rules Engine identifies content in real-time based on many different properties, including your specific naming convention and business rules. AdIT’s Messaging Rules Engine allows the user to define the type of SCTE 104/35 message to generate when your playout is transitioning from one type of content to another.

AdIT Network Edition can further enrich the messaging by automatically including alternative identifiers such as AdID’s, ISCI’s and EIDR codes from customer-provided metadata sources.

If you are working on your SCTE-104 messaging plan, please let us support your efforts.  You can contact Rick Trock here.

Visit Middleman Software at www.middleman.tv